Bentley, W.A. and Humphreys, W.J.
Snow Crystals, 1931
In 1931 Dr. William J. Humphreys, Chief Physicist for the U.S. Weather Bureau, sorted through some 4500 of Bentley's photomicrographs (the original negatives and some of his notebooks are housed at the Jericho Historical Society, Vermont) and published 2453 of his pictures -- most of them of ice crystals and about 100 of sleet , ice, frost and dew. By adapting a microscope to a bellows camera, Bently became the first person to photograph a single snow crystal in 1885. His work showed that no two snowflakes are alike.
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Bentley, W.A. and Humphreys, W.J.
Snow Crystals, 1931
12 x 10 in. (30.5 cm)
In 1931, Dr. William J. Humphreys, Chief Physicist for the U.S. Weather Bureau, sorted through some 4500 of Bentley's photomicrographs (the original negatives and some of his notebooks are housed at the Jericho Historical Society, Vermont) and published 2453 of his pictures—most of them of ice crystals and about 100 of sleet, ice, frost, and dew. By adapting a microscope to a bellows camera, Bentley became the first person to photograph a single snow crystal in 1885. His work illustrated that no two snowflakes are alike.
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Collaboration Roth
Edition et, Complete set vols 1-4 and 13-15 all published, 1966-67
9 x 9 in. (23 x 23 cm)
Polke, Richter, Roth and many others. 7 volumes in all. Square portfolios with many original graphics from artists of the period. The first 4 volumes,1-4, have 20 or more artists per volume and the last 3 , 13-15, are one artist only. Rot made graphics Nummern-Malwerk on pink paper for Volume 3, Bildmaterial fur et Nr.2 for Volume 2, and for volume 15 made an artist book titled SNOW with 96 reproductions of photographs and hand written translations by the author from 'snow'(unique book now in MOMA collection) Introduction by Daniel Spoerri. DR. CW. 20 # 33. 23x23cm
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Dieter Roth
Collected Works, Volume 11, Snow. Deluxe Edition, 1970
9 x 6 3/4 in. (23 x 17 cm)
With an introduction by the author. Photographic version of the original from1964. 256 pages offset. stitched softback. Cover design by J. Filzen New Haven. Printed by Staib + Mayer Stuttgart. Published by Waterpress former edition Hansjorg Mayer Stuttgart, London, Reykjavfk, 1970. 1000 copies of which 100 copies in multiple designed by the author, covered corrugated cardboard numbered with 2 crushed lightbulbs signed. This is the copy number 16/100. DR. CW. 20 # 44.
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Dieter Roth Scheisse Serie
Die gesamte Scheisse. Gedichte und Zeichnungen von Diter Rot, 1968
9 7/8 x 7 1/8 in. (25 x 18 cm)
poems and drawings by dieter rot. 160 pages letterpress and offset. Adhesive binding softcover slipcase. Designed and printed by R. Pretzell Berlin. Published by Rainer Verlag Berlin. 400 numbered and signed copies. Nearly all 'shit' poems from 'shit', 'still more shit', 'mundunculum', 'poesy 2', 'snow'. DR. CW. 20 # 38.
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Mike & Doug Starn
Ani-San, samukaro? Omae samukaro?, 2007/2008
40 pages with 19 B&W Illustrations, each wrapped in a unique vintage kimono fabric each having one photograph from the book on gampi paper with encaustic, signed and numbered housed in a bass wood box. A hand crafted bass wood Japanese box houses a unique signed photograph; inkjet on gampi paper, hand coated with encaustic, under which the book is found wrapped in an indigo vintage kimono fabric. The package is tied with red and white cords, each one with a small paper flag inscribed with a question from the title. The story reveals the significance of the book wrapped in a threadbare kimono under the snow. Each book is hand-made, thread bound using traditional Japanese techniques, with 19 photo- micrographs of snow crystals that were shot by the artists during snowstorms between 2004 and 2006. The images are printed on gampi paper, the back of each image is hand-painted with white acrylic and then finally the image is brushed with a single stroke of varnish. A signed colophon is inside the box.
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