Multiple Artists IT
Set of six Edizione Cenobio Visualita artist's periodicals., 1979-84
Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. 1979 - 1984. NUMERO UNO a cura di Ben. numero un realise par Ben. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1979. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: B. Vautier, S. Freud, G.E. Debord, J. Kosuth, J. Charlier, J. Lizene, B. Ghiselin, A. Spinelli, B. Amiard, Daligand, Thenot, D. Buren, B. Venet, J. Marin, S. Kaltenbach, J. le Gac, G. Chiari, Pineau, H. Flynt, K. Malevich, A. Roussel, A. Artaud, Tomek, S. Kukowski, A. Cravin, F. Picabia, E. Satie, J. Cage, R. Johnson, G. Brecht, J.C. Guillaumon, A. Dias, B. Dimitrijevic, V. Agnetti, A. Kaprow, A. Warhol, Bisoz, J. Lemerre, J. Beuys, S. LeWitt, M. Pleynet, G. Maciunas, M. Mac Luhan, H. Lefebvre, P Manzoni, F. Picabia, Fluxus and Shen-Hui. Text in Italian, French and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO DUE a cura de Bernar Venet. Number two edited by Bernar Venet. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1980. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Photography: John Abbott, Eeva Inkeri, Andre Morain, Harry Shunk and Grant Taylor. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: A.Rodchenko, K. Malevitch, W. Strzeminski, Kobro, T. Van Doesburg, G. Vantongerloo, R.P. Lohse, M. Bill, F. Morellet, N. Kricke, S. LeWitt, D. Flavin, D. Judd and B. Venet. Text in Italian, English and French. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO TRE a cura di Vincenzo Accame. number three edited by Vincenzo Accame. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1981. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Included: V. Accame, K. Malevic, Laurence Sterne, Arthur Schopenhauer, Lewis Carroll, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Paolo Buzzi, Bruno Munari, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Guido Ballo, Luigi Veronesi, Roberto Sanesi, Silvio Ceccato, R.D. Laing, Guido Morselli, C.E. Gadda, Arakawa, Alberto Faietti, Karl Krolow, Hermann EsRichter, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Earle Brown, Gianni Colombo, Mauro Staccioli, Sol LeWitt, Aldo Spinelli, Gino De Dominicis, Piero Manzoni, Giovanni Anselmo, Timm Ulrichs, Giuseppe Di Napoli, S. Lombardo, Gianni Melloni, Gianni Robusti, Alik Cavaliere, Vincenzo Ferarri and Maurice Blanchot. Text in Italian and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO QUATTRO a cura di Sol LeWitt. number four edited by Sol LeWitt. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1982. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: John Hilliard, Douglas Huebler, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Zvi Goldstein, Stephen Willats, Dotty Attie, Laura Grisi, Antoni Mikolajczjk, Ryszard Winiarski, Ryszard Wasko, Umberto Raponi, Jenny Holzer, Jean C. Pignozzi, Afranio Metelli, Mike Glier, May Stevens, Charles Gaines, Gene Beery, Ingeborg Luscher Ewa Partum and Pat Steir. Text in English and German. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO CINQUE a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1983. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Photography: G. Sinigaglia and G. Colombo. Graphics: P. D'Agostino. Artists included: Carl Andre, Larry Bell, Dan Flavin, Jene Highstein, Robert Irwin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt - Richard Nonas, Richard Long, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Richard Nonas, Maria Nordman, Eric Orr, Richard Serra, James Turrel and Doug Wheeler. Text in Italian and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO SEI a cura di Arturo Schwarz. number six edited by Arturo Schwarz. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1984. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: Gianfranco Baruchello, Alighiero Boetti, Alik Cavaliere, Ettore Colla, Flavio Costantini, Sergio Dangelo, Ugo Dossi, Lucio
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Multiple Artists IT
Set of six Edizione Cenobio Visualita artist's periodicals., 1979-84
Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. 1979 - 1984. NUMERO UNO a cura di Ben. numero un realise par Ben. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1979. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: B. Vautier, S. Freud, G.E. Debord, J. Kosuth, J. Charlier, J. Lizene, B. Ghiselin, A. Spinelli, B. Amiard, Daligand, Thenot, D. Buren, B. Venet, J. Marin, S. Kaltenbach, J. le Gac, G. Chiari, Pineau, H. Flynt, K. Malevich, A. Roussel, A. Artaud, Tomek, S. Kukowski, A. Cravin, F. Picabia, E. Satie, J. Cage, R. Johnson, G. Brecht, J.C. Guillaumon, A. Dias, B. Dimitrijevic, V. Agnetti, A. Kaprow, A. Warhol, Bisoz, J. Lemerre, J. Beuys, S. LeWitt, M. Pleynet, G. Maciunas, M. Mac Luhan, H. Lefebvre, P Manzoni, F. Picabia, Fluxus and Shen-Hui. Text in Italian, French and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO DUE a cura de Bernar Venet. Number two edited by Bernar Venet. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1980. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Photography: John Abbott, Eeva Inkeri, Andre Morain, Harry Shunk and Grant Taylor. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: A.Rodchenko, K. Malevitch, W. Strzeminski, Kobro, T. Van Doesburg, G. Vantongerloo, R.P. Lohse, M. Bill, F. Morellet, N. Kricke, S. LeWitt, D. Flavin, D. Judd and B. Venet. Text in Italian, English and French. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO TRE a cura di Vincenzo Accame. number three edited by Vincenzo Accame. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1981. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Included: V. Accame, K. Malevic, Laurence Sterne, Arthur Schopenhauer, Lewis Carroll, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Paolo Buzzi, Bruno Munari, Bruce Nauman, Mel Bochner, Guido Ballo, Luigi Veronesi, Roberto Sanesi, Silvio Ceccato, R.D. Laing, Guido Morselli, C.E. Gadda, Arakawa, Alberto Faietti, Karl Krolow, Hermann EsRichter, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Earle Brown, Gianni Colombo, Mauro Staccioli, Sol LeWitt, Aldo Spinelli, Gino De Dominicis, Piero Manzoni, Giovanni Anselmo, Timm Ulrichs, Giuseppe Di Napoli, S. Lombardo, Gianni Melloni, Gianni Robusti, Alik Cavaliere, Vincenzo Ferarri and Maurice Blanchot. Text in Italian and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO QUATTRO a cura di Sol LeWitt. number four edited by Sol LeWitt. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1982. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: John Hilliard, Douglas Huebler, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Zvi Goldstein, Stephen Willats, Dotty Attie, Laura Grisi, Antoni Mikolajczjk, Ryszard Winiarski, Ryszard Wasko, Umberto Raponi, Jenny Holzer, Jean C. Pignozzi, Afranio Metelli, Mike Glier, May Stevens, Charles Gaines, Gene Beery, Ingeborg Luscher Ewa Partum and Pat Steir. Text in English and German. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO CINQUE a cura di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. number five edited by Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1983. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Photography: G. Sinigaglia and G. Colombo. Graphics: P. D'Agostino. Artists included: Carl Andre, Larry Bell, Dan Flavin, Jene Highstein, Robert Irwin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt - Richard Nonas, Richard Long, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Richard Nonas, Maria Nordman, Eric Orr, Richard Serra, James Turrel and Doug Wheeler. Text in Italian and English. Very good condition. 11.75 x 8.25". Unpaginated. NUMERO SEI a cura di Arturo Schwarz. number six edited by Arturo Schwarz. Edizione Cenobio Visualita Ass., Milan, Italy. June 1984. Artists' periodical. Black and white. Wrappers. Staple bound. Art direction and design: Aldo Spinelli. Artists included: Gianfranco Baruchello, Alighiero Boetti, Alik Cavaliere, Ettore Colla, Flavio Costantini, Sergio Dangelo, Ugo Dossi, Lucio
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Mela, 1976-81
9 7/8 x 6 3/4 in. (25 x 17 cm)
5 numbers of the periodical. Published in Marciano, Isola d''Elba. Some of the artist. Number 1 summer/fall 1976. Number 2 spring/summer 1977. Number 3 fall/winter 1978. Number 4 fall/winter 1979/80. Number 5 summer/fall 1981. Cirated by Maurizio Nannucci. published by Bianconero edizione d'arte.
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INPRINTING. Sperimentazione e Linguaggio, 1975-1979
12 1/4 x 8 1/2 in. (31 x 21.7 cm)
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International Anthology of Contemporary Engraving:International Avant-Garde I-V, 1960-64
12 x 9 7/8 in. (30.5 x 25 cm)
Number 59 of 100. "Antologia internazionale dell'incisione contemporanea - L'Avanguardia internazionale", complete set. Preface of Franco Russoli. original black binding embossed and printed with the title on the front (minor wear), contained in original black paper slipcase. The international Avant-garde 1. With 20 original etchings in black by 20 artists such as Fontana, Hayter, Baj, Bertini, Bryen, Corneille, Copley, Crippa, Hamaguchi, Tinguely etc. All the etchings are signed by the artists. The international Avant-garde 2. Contain 20 etching signed and numbered by: P. Alechinsky, M. Bat-Yosef, G. Dova, Farfa, G. Harloff, P. Hiquilly, T. Imai, J. J. Lebel, P. Martin, E. R. Matta, B. Munari, B. Parent, M. Persico, C. Peverelli, C. F. Reuterswaerd, K. Sato, M. W. Svanberg, Toyen, J. P. Vielfaure, J. Zimmermann. Esemplare n. 4 su 100 esemplari totali. Edizione Galleria Schwarz - Milano, 1962. The international Avant-garde 3. With signed etchings by: N.Abe, G.Biasi, Bona, A.Cardenas, Chinn Yuen-Yuei, S.Dangelo, O.Fahlstroem, J.Herold, J.Langlois, E.L.T.Mesens, E.Paolozzi, A.Pomodoro, B.Quentin, K.N.Reddy, P.Revel, M.Rotella, Y.Tabuchi, Takis, Tancredi, C.Viseux. The international Avant-garde 4. Russoli, Franco. Schwarz, Milano, 1962. One of 100 copies, with signed etchings by: T.Brzozowski, M.Cahn, G.Capogrossi, J.Dobashi, C.Domela, L.Ferrari, J.Friedlaender, A.Gironella, F.Hundertwasser, P.Mansourov, R.Nieto, G.Novelli, A.Perilli, G.Pomodoro, E.Scanavino, L.survage, J.Tchorzewski, G.Turcato, A.Verlon, E.Zanartu.
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Zero Set 1 + 2 +3, 1958-61
Full Set of Zero magazine. Manifestos were often published in association with the shows, such as Zero 1 (1958), Zero 2 (1958), and Zero 3 (1961). These included texts in multiple languages written by artists and curators active in the Zero circle who sought to define what they termed "The New Artistic Conception." Otto Piene said Zero was "a zone of silence and of pure possibilities for a new beginning."
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Spazio 1 to 7, 1950-53
13 x 10 1/4 in. (33 x 26 cm)
complete set of the magazine on Art and Architecture
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Complete set of Immagini(1-3), 1946
12 1/4 x 9 1/4 in. (31 x 23.5 cm)
Each portfolio of 20 prints, published by the Istituto Italiano Arti Grafiche, Bergamo.Volume one is by Cavalli, two by Vender and three is by various artists titledf Mountains. Very rare to see complete in fine condition.
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