Tachibana Morikuni
Ompitsu Soga, 1749
10 3/8 x 7 1/8 in. (26.5 x 18 cm)
3 volumes complete. A book dealing with So (cursive or coarse brushwork), and introducing, if not for the first time, then for the first time on such a systematic scale, new methods in preparing woodblocks to convey total effects on ink-painting, not by black outlines or by lines in white reserve, but by roughening the surface of the wood to produce a scumbling, almost mezzotint-like effect, and by lowering certain areas, which then painted more faintly than the remainder of the block with the connivance, of course, of the printer, who was responsible for the degree of pressure applied to the barren used for “burnishing off†the proof. Jack Hillier, “Art of the Japanese Book†(1987), pg. 191.
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