Lukas Pusch
HURRA! 1914-1918, 2014
Copy 3 of 10. Hurra! is a panorama of the First World War and illustrates the continuity of idiocy, political and military brutality, chaos and cynicism that has lasted to the present day. Even as the world celebrates the 100th anniversary of WW1, Hurra! demonstrates just how little the world has really changed.
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Lukas Pusch
Hurra! 1914-1918, New York Art Book Fair at Moma PS1, 2014
Poster set of Obama, Merkel and Putin
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Lukas Pusch
Kaiserwalzer, 2009
7 5/8 x 5 7/8 in. (19.5 x 15 cm)
Artist Book with original collages. Number 2 of 20 copies. The book documents all art works Lukas Pusch made in order by Austrias most tradiitional art fair located in the Viennese Hofburg. Puschs artworks were censured and a big scandal ensued.
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Lukas Pusch
Afrika, 2008
17 3/4 x 14 x 2 in. (45 x 35.5 x 5 cm)
This book documents the artists time in one of the biggest slums in Kenya, Africa with dozens of collages and drawings. The book also includes the radical l art for l art text „Schlagt die Frauen und prügelt die Kinder - Beat the women and flog the children" (Each deluxe edition is in a zebra cloth covered box with a unique drawing. Edition of 100 copies with 10 deluxe copies and 5 APs, this copy is 1 of the 5 AP. Signed, numebered and in a special box
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Lukas Pusch
Zil 130 Deluxe, 2008
6 x 9 x 4 1/8 in. (15.2 x 23 x 10.5 cm)
The book tells the story of the artists Siberian journey with a soviet truck, ZIL 130, and his White Cube Gallery Novosibirsk that was tranported on the rear of the truck where he opened a gallery in many towns he visited. The photographs document the series of break downs that occured along the way. edition of 100 plus 10 Deluxe copies with original tipped in photographs.
Price Upon Request